Ricordiamo ai partecipanti che non comunicheremo la lista delle ricette vincenti, ma le scoprirete solo a pubblicazione della rivista.
...Un po' di suspence non guasta mai :)

martedì 11 giugno 2013

ciao ciao About Food!

Dopo mesi e mesi di lavoro, eccoci pronte con l'ultimo numero di questo magazine. Ultimo numero non nel senso che è l'ultimo nato, ma nel vero senso della parola, ultimo numero di questa nostra divertente avventura. Come per tutte le più belle cose c'è sempre un inizio ed una fine e per noi è davvero arrivato il momento dei saluti e dei ringraziamenti

Le motivazioni sono tante e la prima di tutte è la mancanza di tempo. Un progetto come questo richiede tanto impegno e tanta dedizione per essere realizzato al meglio e noi non vogliamo di certo scadere nella qualità o pubblicare così “tanto per fare”.

Speriamo in tutti questi numeri di avervi fatto venire l’acquolina in bocca con tanti piatti deliziosi, di aver stuzzicato la fantasia e soprattutto ci auguriamo di essere stati per voi una piacevole compagnia.

Sembra ieri che abbiamo pubblicato il primo numero di anteprima del nostro magazine. E invece sono già trascorsi 3 anni.
Uscita dopo uscita ci siamo circondate di tante persone che hanno accettato con entusiasmo di collaborare con noi. Persone speciali che ci hanno stupito con le loro idee e deliziato con golose ricette. 

Numero dopo numero abbiamo tentato di rendere sempre più “speciale” la grafica e le fotografie. Abbiamo avuto le nostre immancabili rubriche fisse, ma anche tanti temi diversi che vi stimolassero a sfogliare e leggere le nostre pagine.

Non smetteremo mai di ringraziare tutti voi per averci sostenute, per averci aiutate a produrre così tanti numeri di questa rivista, per averci regalaro le vostre meravigliose ricette e le vostre splendide foto... insomma About Food senza ognuno di voi non sarebbe mai esistito e non sarebbe vissuto così a lungo.

Vi abbracciamo forte forte e vi lasciamo con una carrellata delle copertine di tutti i numeri pubblicati in questi tre anni. 
Se vi va potete trovarli tutti quanti qui.

Ed ecco il numero 9 di questo magazine! 
Sfogliatelo, scaricatelo, diffondetelo più che potete :)
Se poi vi dovesse capitare di sentire la nostra mancanza ci troverete sempre sui nostri blog:
il gatto goloso e gustosaMente!

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325 commenti:

  1. Posso dire che mi dispiace? :(
    E' stato un npiacere seguirvi in questo bel progetto.
    In bocca al lupo per tutto! <3

    1. Loredana,
      grazie di cuore!
      In bocca al lupo anche a te, per tutto! ;)

  2. nooo! :(
    pessima, pessima notizia.
    vi capisco, ma mi spiace davvero tanto...
    mi mancherà About Food...

    1. Vale,
      dispiace un sacco anche a noi, credici!
      Ma About Food porta via un sacco di energie a impegni molto più importanti... nonostante questo magazine sia per noi fonte di ispirazione e divertimento.
      Grazie per le tue parole. <3

  3. Nicoletta, mi spiace taaanto! Ma in fondo i numeri resteranno scaricabili anche per le generazioni future :D
    Grazie per averci seguito fin qua! ♥

  4. E' stato un compagno in questi anni, mi mancherà.

  5. Mi dispiace tanto, ragazze, ad ogni modo in bocca al lupo per tutto!

  6. NOOOO! Ma non potete darci questa notizia brutta! Siete state tra le prime che ho iniziato a seguire quando ho avviato il blog!!! :-(
    So bene quanto impegno richieda e son sempre più convinta che dovrebbe esserci una contropartita economica quando si fanno le cose con tanto impegno avendo anche dei bei risultati!
    Mi mancherete!

    1. Sei dolcissima!! Grazie dei complimenti e grazie per avervi seguito lungo tutto questo percorso! È triste dirlo, ma dei soldini ci avrebbero fatto comodo ;)
      Grazie di nuovo, e chissà che un domani possa esserci qualche altra occasione simile! Il futuro è affascinante perchè sconosciuto! :)

  7. Ragazze non ci sono parole per descrivere la bellezza del vostro lavoro. Purtroppo il tempo è tiranno e capisco la vostra scelta, sicuramente presa non a cuor leggero. Siete fantastiche e mi mancherete! Ancora complimenti... e chissà! Magari più in là ci rivedremo!

    Un saluto e abbraccio forte


  8. P.S.: ho visto dopo che avete scelto una mia ricetta! Grazie infinite!!

  9. Un progetto di cui andare fiere e di cui essere orgogliose, peccato non continui, lo leggevo sempre con grande piacere. In bocca al lupo a tutte voi per i vostri futuri progetti

  10. ho trovato troppo tardi....ho partecipato con entusiasmo e sono felice per tutte le ricette scelte, non posso dire che sarà per la prossima volta ma mai dire mai!!! Incantevole copertina e lavoro eccellente!!
    Un abbraccio.

  11. Mi dispiace che questa bella rivista sia alla fine, ma come dite voi ogni cosa ha un inizio e una fine!
    Sono felice di aver partecipato e che abbiate inserito la mia ricetta degli spiedini di pancetta al cioccolato!! Grazie!!!

  12. No adesso che vi avevo trovato :(
    Vorrà dire che vi seguirò sui vostri blog ;)

  13. Per prima cosa devo dire grazie a voi, essere sull'ultimo numero per me è un onore!!!!!Poi... mi vi do ragione, le cose vanno fatte bene o è meglio non farle!
    Grazie ancora...Susy

  14. Grazie per il lavoro che avete fatto per noi in questi 3 anni...In bocca al lupo per il vostro futuro :)

  15. non posso che capirvi, oggi purtroppo il tempo è diventato piu' prezioso di ogni altra cosa. grazie per il vs. lavoro ed il vostro impegno! per noi cultori della buona cucina ha rappresentato molto il vostro magazine. L'ultimo numero poi è veramente molto bello e molto interessante. vi abbraccio,peppe

  16. è una grande perdita, ma vi rispetto e rispetto il fatto che pur di non farlo scadere nella banalità lo chiudiate.
    Vi uguro il meglio nel lavoro ne nella vita. Viste le premesse non vi sarà difficile ottenerlo e da parte mia quindi un grande in bocca al lupo!!!! :)
    A presto sui vostri blog!

  17. amavo questa rivista online, ma capisco anche che l'impegno e la fatica richiesti fossero non indifferenti. in bocca al lupo per il futuro!

  18. Mi dispiace moltissimo e sentirò molto la vostra mancanza!
    Brave in ogni caso, anche per aver fatto la scelta più dura, pur di non svendere il vostro lavoro.
    Vi auguro le cose più belle!
    In ogni caso a presto,

  19. Complimenti per tutto il lavoro svolto in questi anni!!!!!

  20. Mi spiace moltissimo che abbiate deciso di terminare con questo numero l'avventura "aboutfood" ma capisco quanto il tempo sia tiranno, ce n'è sempre poco per poter seguire tutti gli impegni; siete state eccezionali e certamente continuerò a seguirvi sui vostri rispettivi blog e sono onorata di aver fatto parte di questa avventura specialmente in questo ultimo numero perchè per me è stata una vera e propria sfida con me stessa, le mie capacità e la mia creatività. Grazie!

  21. A malincuore capisco le vostre motivazioni.

    E'un onore essere in quest'ultimo e bellissimo numero con una mia ricetta. Grazie mille!

    Ci vediamo sui vostri blog!!!

  22. grazie a tutti perché continuiamo a leggere che vi mancheremo e questo ci fa capire quanto il nostro lavoro sia stato compreso ed apprezzato! smack

  23. Compreso ed apprezzatissimo... nonché d'ispirazione anche per chi è venuto dopo di voi ed ha trovato una strada già tracciata. Complimenti, siete bravissime

  24. è davvero un peccato ragazze :(

  25. Nooooo!!! :( ma passare il testimone? Che ne dite? Io ho lavorato per 10 anni come grafica pubblicitaria prima di approdare alla mia vera passione, i dolci e ora sono pasticcera a tempo pieno, potrei dare una mano se vi va.

  26. Mi spiace aver trovato solo oggi questo ...gruppo? giornale? incontro? scambio? piacere?

    Recupererò il tempo e le occasioni perdute e vi penserò cucinando le vostre proposte!

    Buona vita


  27. Non ci posso credere. Mi dispiace tantissimo. About food ormai é per me, come per tantissime/i altre/i,un punto di riferimento nella web. Siete un sinonimo di creativitá, passione, fantasia e soprattutto genuino talento in cucina!
    Che peccato.
    Egoisticamente spero che ci ripensiate....
    Eppure vi capisco. Io non pubblico una ricetta da quasi un mese per mancanza di tempo!
    Comunque il vuoto che lascia About Food non si potrá colmare facilmente.

    Approfitto per ringraziarvi tantissimo per essere tra le vincitrici de questa edizione. Che onore essre stata scelta in questa rivista che stimo cosí tanto!

    Mi chiedo se per caso ci sará la coccarda dei vincitori 2013? sarebbe uno splendido ricordo oltre che un piacere poterla esporre.

    Un abbraccio


    1. ciao Isabella, abbiamo pubblicato oggi la coccardina. Se ti fa piacere puoi trovarla e scaricarla dalla barra laterale del blog... un abbraccio e grazie ancora!

  28. Ero in vacanza e solo ora ho visto il nuovo numero!
    Sto molto felice di fare parte di questo numero, ma sono triste per sapere che questa rivista che adoro e mi ha dato tante soddisfazioni finirà!
    Siete grande e vi ammiro moltissimo!
    Vi auguro tante belle cose.
    Un grande abbraccio

  29. Ciao!Non ci sarà l'ultima coccarda di About Food? :(

    1. Abbiamo pubblicato oggi la coccardina. Se ti fa piacere puoi trovarla e scaricarla dalla barra laterale del blog.

  30. Vi ho scoperto solo ora, ma la rivista già mi manca: era esteticamente molto raffinata ma mai a scapito dei contenuti, sempre ricca di argomenti orginali e confezionata con cura. Capisco quanto può essere faticoso portare avanti un progetto tanto articolato! Vi faccio tantissimi auguri per qualsiasi altra iniziativa vorrete intraprendere, perché sono sicura lo farete con professionalità e passione. Mettetecela sempre tutta! Ah, grazie per aver scelto, tra le altre, la mia ricetta.

    P.S. Una domanda, se posso. La foto ha una risoluzione molto bassa: l'avete presa da flickr o dal blog?

    1. Haru ti ringraziamo per le belle parole...
      La foto l'abbiamo presa direttamente dal tuo blog e a noi sembrava di risoluzione buona per essere inserita in un PDF sfogliabile a video.

  31. Peccato. Comunque grazie per il vostro super lavoro!

  32. Mi spiace tantissimo!! Avete fatto un lavoro encomiabile, una delle più belle riviste di cucina! Grazie per il vostro lavoro , verrò a trovarvi sui vostri blog.

  33. vi capisco, ma mi spiace davvero tanto...
    mi mancherà About Food...

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  104. Pay your trainer ahead of Alpha X Boost
    time. If you do so, you increase the chances of you going through with all the sessions you planned as compared to paying for them individually. The reason is because you have made a monetary commitment. For this reason, you will be far more compelled to follow through with each session.

  105. Try to focus on multiple muscles during one workout, such as the hamstrings for quads and chest dips for the chest. This way, one muscle can get a rest while you are working out the other. This method is also more efficient and allows you to increase your intensity since your workout is shorter.

  106. Drinking enough water is Alpha Maxis
    critical to building muscle. If you aren't keeping yourself hydrated with water properly, then there is a high chance that you will injure yourself or your muscles. Further, staying hydrated will help you gain muscle and keep your muscles solid.

  107. Many people who wish to build muscle use protein shakes and meal replacements Nitric Muscle Fuel It is important to note however that there is a distinction between the two Nitric Muscle Fuel It can be dangerous to your health to use protein shakes frequently as a meal replacement Nitric Muscle Fuel A full meal contains many essential nutrients that are not included in protein shakes Nitric Muscle Fuel In addition, living off protein shakes can leave your muscles soft which negates your muscle building efforts Nitric Muscle Fuel
    For More>>

  108. While whole foods are the best way to get your calories in general, a protein shake after your workout might actually be easier for your body to digest and process MRX Red A quick shot of protein after a workout gives your body the building blocks to keep adding muscle, instead of using existing muscle to replenish its energy reserves MRX Red
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  109. Any time you are lifting a heavy free weight, it is very important that you have a spotter Pure Nitro Max This is someone who knows the routine that you are doing and also understands when you are requiring help Pure Nitro Max Many times this person can become a type of gym buddy as well Pure Nitro Max
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  110. Get a full night of sleep.Royalty Skin Serum
    Sleep deprivation can negatively affect your skin. Not getting enough sleep can cause your skin to appear dull and washed-out, and cause those dark circles under the eyes. You'll probably suffer from acne breakouts more frequently. You can then awake feeling rejuvenated, and your skin will have a healthier glow.

  111. If you are prone to very dry or flaky skin, consider purchasing and using a humidifier in your bedroom, home or office Cleara Bella This is an especially good idea during the cold, dry winter months Cleara Bella A humidifier creates a more skin-friendly environment by infusing the air with much-needed moisture, which is then absorbed by thirsty skin Cleara Bella
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  112. If you start to notice the beginnings of fine wrinkles, ask your dermatologist or skincare professional about needling treatment Secret Allure Cream Needling is a quick, relatively affordable treatment that has been used since the late 1990s to stimulate collagen production Secret Allure Cream Your doctor will also prescribe a light topical anesthetic, which will minimize discomfort during the procedure Secret Allure Cream
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  113. Sunscreen-enhanced moisturizers Aviqua Wrinkle Complex
    are essential for battling wrinkles with your skin care strategy. Sunlight can really harm your face and cause premature wrinkles. Put on a moisturizer containing sunscreen to easily protect against these damaging rays.

  114. Do this by applying the product Aviqua Wrinkle Complex directly to your feet and then covering them with loose fitting socks at bedtime. In the morning you'll wake up with softer feet.

  115. Before you even apply mascara,Wrinkle Contour Skin make sure you have created the right shape for your eyelashes with an eyelash curler. Curling helps your eyelashes appear greater than their actual length, and this also contributes to a younger and livelier look to your eyes themselves. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Slowly move toward the front of your lashes, in a smooth motion, then squeeze once more. Doing this adds a natural look to the curl you are giving your lashes.

  116. Two hours before you sleep,

    Regenere Skin
    add four coats of paint to your nails in the following order: base coat (1), color coat (2), and topcoat (1). Do not worry about being a little messy, it is okay to get some on your skin. You can fix any mess when you are in the shower since that is where the paint comes off your skin easily. This is a quick and easy tip for the prettiest manicure and pedicure.

  117. If your hair is really dry, you need to try deep conditioning it Better Beard Club It is pretty easy to deep condition your hair at home Better Beard Club First, wash your hair with a gentle shampoo Better Beard Club Then apply a generous portion of a thick conditioner and massage it thoroughly into all of your hair Better Beard Club Next put on a plastic cap and let the conditioner soak into your hair for 30 minutes Better Beard Club Then, when the time is up, rinse and wash your hair, it will be more moisturized after you do this Better Beard Club
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  118. If you suffer from dry skin Skin Amour Serum
    on your face, you may want to consider going to see a beautician and getting an intensive moisturizing treatment. This will help revitalize your skin and is recommended for people with dry skin. Herbal extracts, along with vitamins and minerals, can increase the elasticity of your skin and help restore the skin's level of moisture.

  119. Would you guess that having a DermaBellix
    hobby is a great skin care tip? Hobbies reduce stress, which is a main cause of skin breakouts.


  120. MetaXlim Garcinia Cambogia

    It's common knowledge that drinking ample amounts of pure, filtered water will assist in any weight loss plan. But, it is not so well-known that drinking very cold water will raise your metabolism even more. When you drink cold water, your body works to stabilize its internal temperature, and that increases your metabolism.

  121. To enjoy healthy skin, control VibrantC Skin Cream your levels of stress. Excess stress may cause skin to become more sensitive. Therefore, you need to take active steps to reduce the amount of stress in your life.


  122. Hydroluxe Wrinkle Serum

    Apply Vaseline to your feet every night. When you wake up in the morning, your feet will be incredibly smooth. Make it simple to remember by making it a nightly habit. You should apply the Vaseline and then cover your feet with your socks before you go to sleep.

  123. If you have a fat kid they may Garcinia X5 be a fat adult. This is not something any parent wants to encourage. The best time for teaching your kids about healthy eating is when they are young. Show your children nutrition labels from food items in order to pique their interest in nutrition. Following that, you can begin to get them involved in planning healthy meals. When they reach adulthood, you will be rewarded with their thanks.
    Garcinia X5


  124. Elysian Ageless Eye Serum

    Don't sleep with make-up on your face. By the end of the day, your face is pretty dirty so it is important to wash it good and get all of the makeup off. If you go to bed with makeup still on your skin then it does not have a chance to breathe like it should. These few minutes eliminating makeup before bed can make a real difference..

  125. So ensure you purchase the particular product that has masses of piracy there in the marketplace. Ladies additionally gain from Apexatropin extended libido, besides the well-being feeling and reduce the symptoms and signs and symptoms of PMS and menopause. This is, anyone can experience the severa blessings of Apexatropin.

  126. Talk to a dietitian to help you Testoflex Advanced plan out a diet While you can probably trim unhealthy food yourself, have you considered how your workouts will impact your diet? The expert advice of a dietician will provide you with the information you need to eat the right number of calories and the right kind of foods.

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    One change you could make to your diet is to eliminate or cut down on red meat. Red meats are not heart friendly thanks to high levels of saturated fats and bad cholesterols. Try lean meats instead of red meats. This includes fish and poultry.


  129. Magic Rock Rx

    Recognize that the requirements of serious muscle building and intense cardiovascular exercise (such as marathon training) are not compatible. Although a certain amount of cardio is beneficial for everyone, bulking up at the same time that you are doing really intense cardiovascular work will be difficult, if not impossible. When you are trying to build up your muscle mass, concentrate more on your strength exercises and a little less on conditioning.


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    After you work out, make sure to wash your body to get rid of any sweat that has accumulated. Wash your face with a soft towel to get rid of the bacteria on your skin. Also, be sure and shower with warm water.

  131. Always put on a layer of Erase Repair Skin sunscreen or purchase makeup with sunscreen of at least 15 SPF in it to protect your face from sun damage. An proper sunscreen prevents sunburn and in the long-term, wrinkles. Sunscreen can enable to help your skin stay healthy and looking young. Wear it every day, and wrinkles and lines will be slower to form.


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    Your entire life will change when you build muscle. You will be energized, perform at a higher level than ever before, and will have no problem shedding pounds. It may be a lot more simple than you thought, so use what you have just been taught and create a regimen today


  133. vividermix

    Keep a bit of your favorite moisturizer in a small container such as an empty lip gloss pot. You can easily carry this with you in your car, make-up bag, purse or stash it in your work desk. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.


  134. priamax male enhancement/

    To build the strength in your legs with an easy exercise, try doing wall sits. Start by finding an empty wall that fits your body. Then, position yourself facing away from the wall, with your feet about eighteen inches away from the wall. Bend your knees while leaning backwards, until your back is flat against the wall. Bend your knees slowly until your thighs are perpendicular with your legs. Stay in this position for as long as you can maintain it.


  135. Xtreme Exo-Test

    Always look for new ways to exercise your body and build muscle. There are different types of exercise techniques that work on different things, such as toning or muscle building, as well as different muscle groups. Therefore, your exercise plan should include a variety of exercises in order to work different parts of the body.

  136. Count your reps down. For instance,Hyper Tone Force start with the twentieth pushup. Your workouts will speed by (and even feel easier) because you're focusing on smaller and smaller numbers as you progress. It is also very motivating.
    Hyper Tone Force

  137. You can always cheat a bitAndronite Enhanced
    as you lift weights. Using a bit of your body to pump out a few more reps is a great way to boost your workout. Remember, though, that this tactic should only be used when there is no alternative. Make sure the speed of your repetitions is consistent. Don't compromise your posture and balance.
    Andronite Enhanced


  138. ultraderm-lux

    If you are prone to flaky or overly dry skin, you need to exfoliate regularly to keep the pores of your skin unclogged to prevent the formation of both blackheads and whiteheads. Exfoliation aids the skin by whisking away dry and dead skin cells. This will enable the hydrated cells to come to the surface easier and enhance the skin's appearance by creating a fresh, glowing complexion.

  139. Because hair is so fragile, drying
    it too roughly can damage it and cause frizziness. It is better to wrap your hair inside the towel, then pat softly for dryness. While it takes a little longer, you will be much happier with the results.

  140. Peak Test Xtreme

    Always reward your child with love and positive attention, rather than food, to help enforce good nutrition habits. Defend your child against coming to believe that food equals love by showing your love with kind words, praise and hugs. Your child will connect the sweet treats with positive feelings, and so will start to think of those things as the best kind of foods.


  141. HeadLock Muscle Growth

    As was discussed earlier, it's critical you provide your body with what it requires to properly transform your physique. Because of this, you need to set aside some time to learn what it takes to build muscle. The advice in this article should help you reach any goal


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    Like we said above, if you follow these tips, you'll be on your way to being in better shape. You could even use these tips to get more fit than you thought possible. It takes time to achieve your fitness goals, but over time and by using these tips, you will be on the right

  143. You can improve the look of your
    Novellus Skin
    skin by partaking in a hobby that you enjoy. Skin can flare up when you are stressed. If you take time to partake in an enjoyable hobby, the brain's oxygen flow will increase, resulting in less blemishes.

    Novellus Skin

  144. Garcinia Slim Fit 180

    Having a salt intake that is too high is not good. Your legs and feet can swell if you eat too much salt. This ruins your diet and makes you look like you are actually gaining weight. It also makes you crave foods with greater amounts of salt. Soups tend to have a lot of hidden salt content in them. Although soup can help you lose weight, opt for low sodium versions to keep your sodium levels down.


  145. Garcinia Slim Fit 180

    Instead of eating unhealthy mayonnaise go for mustard. Although it tastes good, even the smallest amount of mayonnaise is loaded with calories and fat. Make your next sandwich a healthier, lower-calorie one by substituting mustard for mayonnaise. Think about all of the foods that you use mayonnaise on and try to reduce these from your diet.


  146. Platinum XT1000

    Stretching is key in any muscle growth regimen. Stretching often helps your muscles in two ways. Stretching can help prevent soreness from developing, keeping you from heading back to the gym. You can really open up your ranges of available motion with regular stretching, and this only assists your activities specifically focused on muscle growth.


  147. Ultimate Alpha Extreme

    After reading this article, you should have plenty of information that can help you build muscle. With any luck, you now know how to build your muscles right away. Stay on track, focus on your goals, and you will soon begin to see impressive results.


  148. Vmax Male Enhancement

    Try these tips that were offered by tennis player on how to workout your forearms. Place a sheet of your local newspaper on a table. With your dominant, or stronger hand, crumple up the sheet of paper for about 30 seconds. Do this two times and then go to the other hand and do it once. You should do it a total of 4 times on your dominant hand.

  149. Endovex Male Enhancement

    If you like to play tennis, train your eyes. You can practice this by approaching the net more closely than you do in ordinary play. Attempting to return shots from this close distance will force you to focus on the ball more quickly. Your other reaction times will improve as well.


  150. Alpha Monster Advanced

    It is imperative that you eat well while trying to build up your muscle. When your muscle fibers are being rebuilt, the body will require the right fuel that certain nutrients. Protein shakes, for instance, make a particularly useful post-workout drink. Research shows that this can speed up the rate at which muscle fibers rebuild themselves.


  151. Garcinia Slim Fit 180

    Make sure you're not skipping meals. Make sure to consume three regular sized meals or five small meals each day. Yes, you can still eat a few snack foods in between, but don't make it your full meal so you won't end up skipping the actual meal. This will help keep your body in rhythm.


  152. Nitro Build Plus

    Include a cardio routine in your fitness plan. Though you may have the impression that cardiovascular workouts do little to build muscle, they are necessary for maintaining a healthy heart. Three simple 20 minute cardio workouts per week should be plenty to keep your heart strong without hurting your muscle building efforts.


  153. Pure Nitro Max

    Eating well is crucial when you are trying to build muscle. Your body's muscles need specific types of nutrients so that they can stretch, grow and recover efficiently over the course of your muscle-building efforts. Research has shown that one of the reasons protein drinks work well when consumed after a workout is that they help rebuild muscle fibers.

  154. Leaner meats and cuts are anEnchanted Garcinia
    easy way to cut fat. Try using salsas or chutneys, instead of creamy sauces or sweet sauces. This can make even dry, tasteless meat seem juicy and flavorful. Chutneys come in a wide variety of flavors and make your proteins stand out.Eating a chunky soup instead of a meal can help you lose weight. Drinking calories is not a good idea. These empty calories will make you feel hungry more quickly because your body metabolizes them rapidly. Garcinia /


  155. Nuavive Derma

    Use a makeup sponge to evenly apply sunscreen. This will ensure an even spread to the lotion and keep you from having to touch the lotion. Use of a sponge increases penetration into the skin and absorption. Your hands will stay cleaner as well.


  156. Epiclear Pro

    Keeping your hands protected from the cold is an excellent skin care tip. Hand skin is thin and can easily become damaged. When you wear gloves and protect your hands, the skin on your hands will stay moist and healthy.

  157. You may want to mix up the grip Clemix Male Enhancement
    you use on your back. Perform deadlifts and rack pulls with a mixed or staged grip, in order to achieve more strength. A staggered grip will help you turn the bar in one direction while the underhand grip turns the bar in another direction. This method will prevent the bar from rotating in your hands.


  158. Phallyx Male Enhancement.

    Now, you will have a bevy of information to use to start building muscle. They are your key to picking the strategies and methods to build your muscles in a way that will give real and noticeable results. Stay motivated, and stick to your plan. Soon, you'll be reaching your goals at every turn!..

  159. Stretching is essential
    AnibolX before any workout. This is vital because it will help you not get injured during workouts. Plus, after-workout stretching will make recovery easier. Massages help to relax and also encourage muscles to grow more quickly.Mix up your grip to build back muscles. To give your lift more strength, try a mixed or a staged grip with your deadlifts and your rack pulls. A staggered grip will help you twist the bar in one direction while the underhand drip will twist the bar in the opposite direction. This helps you keep the bar steady, rather than having it roll all over the place.


  160. Zytek XL

    Do you want stronger muscles? There are a lot of things that will help you achieve bigger muscles, and limit wastefulness in your workout efforts. The advice in this article will teach you how to boost your strength and have more muscle mass. Follow the tips you're about to read instead of wasting time with ineffective workouts.

  161. Use cucumbers or rosewater to
    Femora Cream rid yourself of circles under your eyes. These two products contain ingredients that lighten the dark circles and cool the eyes. Try dipping a piece of cotton in rosewater or cucumber juice, and apply it under your eyes for fifteen minutes.

    Femora Cream

  162. With all the
    Elysian Ageless Eye Serum retail products out there and seemingly perfect models and actors on magazine covers, making yourself beautiful can seem really intimidating. Maybe you feel your whole look is a mess. No way! You're beautiful as designed, and there are many things you can do to enhance your looks. Read the following to figure out what you can do to make yourself feel your best. Every culture has standards of beauty which its people seek to fulfill. There are many factors that contribute to


  163. Hypertone Force

    You can cut corners a bit when you lift, although always be safe. If you need to use a bit of your body to get those last couple of reps in, it's okay. In fact, this is a great way to increase your workout volume. However, cheating too much is not advisable. Work hard so that your rep speed is controlled. Do not compromise your form under any circumstance

  164. To meet your daily protein needs,Alpha Prime Elite plan to add 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein to each of your meals every day. It's easier to get the protein you need if you get it over the course of the day, rather than trying to get it all at once. If you consume six meals providing thirty grams each, you will meet your protein requirements of 180 grams for that day.

  165. Gather a group of your friendsDerma Pearls and visit the spa. Relax, and sign up for dirt facials to eliminate dead skin and open pores.Avoid rubbing too hard when exfoliating. In addition to irritating the skin, it can cause harm to it. Instead, exfoliate for a longer period of time in order to achieve a deeper cleansing. You'll avoid harming your skin but still get deep into your pores.Cleansing your skin is one of the most effective ways to enjoy healthy, attractive skin. Even something as simple as washing your face every day will cut down on blotching and acne.


  166. Bio Rocket Muscle

    Repair and build your muscles by making sure to stretch post-workout. People under the age of 40 should hold stretches for a minimum of 30 seconds. People who are over the age of 40 should hold stretches for a minimum of 60 seconds. This will help prevent injuries during your muscle building program.

  167. When you want to add muscle mass Testshred to your frame, make sure you are getting enough protein. Protein is a chief building block of muscle, and consuming not enough of it may cause you to have less muscles, which kills the reason of trying to bulk up. Depending on your body weight, each day you may require 1 gram of protein.


  168. Testshred

    Try a different type of bicep curl. You only get half the benefit you could get from a normal bicep curl, as you likely don't move the bar beyond the parallel point during the "up" part of the exercise. The upper half is supposed to be the strongest section of the bicep curl. By doing barbell curls while sitting, can help you fix this.

  169. Your diet is especially
    Bio Rocket Blast important on your lifting days. An hour or so before your workout, eat more calories than you would on a typical day. That doesn't mean you can overeat when you are scheduled for a workout, but just be sure to eat a bit more on those days and less on the days you aren't going to be weight training.Carbs are necessary for building muscles. Carbohydrates helps give your body the energy it needs to properly do your exercises

  170. Eating proteins will help you build Horlaxen
    your muscles. Protein is the base of muscles, and if you don't get enough, your muscles will suffer. You should eat one gram of protein for each pound you weigh.


  171. Horlaxen

    You should eat a healthy meal before you workout. Approximately one hour prior to exercise, eat an additional amount of calories than you normally would. This doesn't mean you should go crazy with your diet on the days you work out. Instead, it means that you should eat a little more compared with the days that are not working out.

  172. You have to watchTestabolan CYP your calories, if you're going to build muscle. There are good calories and bad ones, so it's important to know which ones promote muscle growth and which ones hinder it. Poor dietary decisions will not lead to muscle growth, and might even cause you to retain unwanted fat.Never bypass stretching before a lifting session. Stretching is an important part of your workout routine.


  173. PrimalX Male Enhancement

    Only plan to do three or four workouts each week. This allows your muscles to repair and rebuild themselves with a bit of rest. Too much exercise may cause injury and that can be counterproductive.

  174. Crazy Bulk you would be surprised at the number of coalitions who go through their day without a clue. In this story, I'm going to share a few tips.


  175. Patriot Power Greens

    If you prefer the taste of children's vitamins, chew on two or three. This is because an adult would need more than the recommended child dose, so one will surely not be enough. Just don't take too many since that is not good, either.

  176. A quick way to discoverLumidaire Cream your skin type is by performing a simple tissue test. Apply a clean tissue on your face in the morning. Oil will appear on the tissue: this will be a good indicator of how oily your face is. Having this knowledge will let you know which skin care products you should be using.Sun damage can be reversed. Some of these remedies are laser treatments, chemical peels and dermabrasion.

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  179. Bella At Home

    Drink water after you drink anything that can stain your teeth. When you drink water after consuming drinks, such as coffee and tea, you are keeping the pigments off of your teeth. You can also drink dark beverages through a straw or lighten your coffee with whole milk.

  180. This method TrueBrilliance
    involves the dentist providing you with a mouth tray that you will fill with gel and apply to your teeth for a certain amount of time each night for several weeks. It's said this technique can whiten your smile up to eight shades brighter.If you use a whitening gel that is applied with a tray, it is important to ensure that the tray is sized correctly for your teeth.

  181. While weight belts T Boost Max were once considered essential for each weight-lifting session, nowadays, the consensus is that belts are only necessary for challenging lifts. Putting a weight belt on every day can cause long-term problems. The abdominal muscles and the lower back become weak and vulnerable to injury if they are always supported by a belt.

  182. A out-of-this-world example can be Horlaxen but you need to hone these techniques and get better over time. There is a slight chance that the conclusion is basically not going to take off. Despite everything, I understand it. If a woman could be found somewhere that did not like Fitness I would be surprised.

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  184. Look "bigger" than
    Optimal Rock you really are. This can be achieved by putting your focus on the upper chest, upper back and shoulders by training these specific parts. By doing this, you can cause your waist to appear smaller than it actually is, which can also make you appear to have greater size.When beginning a muscle-building program, lots of people increase the amount of protein they consume too much too soon.

  185. What does a proper muscle buildingOptimal Rock Male Enhancement

    regimen look like? The answer might not be as direct as you think. It is common for folks to work on building their muscles independently, and though they might succeed, they might also grow frustrated. Read the tips in this article to learn how to build muscle in new ways.

  186. If so, then search Revella Lash for a formula without bismuth oxychloride. This ingredient often irritates skin, but not all brands use it.Try to keep a makeup free face at least one day a month. This will allow your face to breathe a bit and it will help keep it healthy.


  187. Advanced Lash

    Fruit juice can benefit your skin. Fruit and vegetable consumption is essential for proper health. If you find it difficult to consumer enough fruits and vegetables, fruit juice is a good way to sneak a few more in. You can replace your usual sweet drinks with juice, and you will be glowing in no time.

  188. Join up with your Testo Blend friends to exercise if you find that you are having a hard time sticking to your exercise plan. Working out with someone you know may make you try harder. It's always good to get fit with someone else. This is because it's harder to give up when someone's working with you, and that will allow you to become fit faster.


  189. Nerve Renew

    This article has shown you that it is possible to find relief from your aching back, even if it is hurting you as you read. The techniques offered here are proven to reduce back pain effectively, so use them. Before you know it, your back ache will be a distant memory.

  190. People who have sun damage to the Creme Anti Aging Moisturizer face can do several things to reduce the appearance of aging. A few of these options include dermabrasion, laser abrasion and chemical peels. Sometimes these procedures are used together, but they may be used alone. You can repair damage with out surgery by getting an acidic facial from a professional.

  191. When getting out of the shower,Vitanoria
    try not to towel dry your hair too roughly. Towel drying can cause your hair to break. Gently squeeze out excess moisture, instead. Next, pat the hair dry with a clean towel. Also, use a soft towel to help protect your delicate hair.

  192. It is possible to make T Boost Max yourself look larger than your actual size. You can focus on your upper chest and back, as well as your shoulders. It also creates more contrast with your waistline so that you look larger.Muscle building isn't just about getting ripped. There are various muscle routines that you must pick from prior to working out
